
Editors of Circulation visit Qilu Hospital

Updatetime:2024-01-31 11:19:09 From:Qilu Hospital

On December 9 -12, Joseph A. Hill, Editor in Chief of Circulation, Associate Editor Zhao Wang and Gabriele G. Schiattarella of the journal, and Xinliang Ma, Professor of Emergency Medicine of Thomas Jefferson University visited Qilu Hospital.

On the afternoon of December 10, Editors attended the academic activities on the theme of “Renowned Journals at Qilu: What the Chief Editors Are Seeking? Innovation, Innovation, and More Innovation!”. CAE Member Zhang Yun attended the meeting and delivered a closing speech, President of the hospital Chen Yuguo attended the meeting and gave a speech. Zhang Cheng, Vice Dean of Cheeloo College of Medicine, and Director of the Department of Cardiology, Xu Feng, Vice President of Qilu Hospital, and Peng Jun, Vice President of Qilu Hospital co-hosted the meeting.

Chen Yuguo extended a warm welcome to the editors of Circulation on behalf of Qilu Hospital. He said that Circulation is the official academic journal of AHA, and also the leading journal in the field of cardiovascular medicine around the globe. He hoped to take this exchange as an opportunity to build consensus and seek common development. Later,Chen Yuguo introduced the history and development of Qilu Hospital.

In the session of academic lectures, Professor Joseph A. Hill, Editor-in-Chief of Circulation gave a lecture on “Future Cardiology”, which encompassed two key areas, a comprehensive perspective on cardiovascular disease, and an in-depth look at Circulation, including its editorial setting, review process, focus areas, trending topics, and ways to assist authors. Professor Zhao Wang, Associate Editor of Circulation, delivered a lecture on “Frontiers in Basic Cardiovascular Research”, he chose 1-2 papers recently published in Circulation to discuss intriguing topics in basic science, such as single-cell sequencing, spatial transcriptomics, and metabolomics. Professor Gabriele G. Schiattarella, Associate Editor of Circulation, gave a speech on “Clinical, Basic/Translational Papers in Circulation”. He chose one clinical and one translational paper recently published in Circulation, discussing the current focus of cardiovascular research in both clinical and translational aspects. Professor Xinliang Ma delivered a speech on “Cardiovascular Research in China”, evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of current cardiovascular research in China, and offering insightful recommendations and suggestions. Four professors gave insightful answers to questions raised by participants after their lectures.

In his concluding speech, Zhang Yun pointed out that Circulation is an old friend of Qilu Hospital, and hoped that this academic exchange activity would be an opportunity to further strengthen the innovative interaction and practical cooperation between Qilu Hospital and Circulation, which would become a high-end platform to support the hospital to realize high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement in the field of medicine.

During the visit, Circulation's editors attended the 2023 "Face-to-Face" Discussions with Editors of Internationally Renowned Journals. During the activity, medical researchers from the Department of Emergency Medicine, Department of Cardiology, Department of Cardiac Surgery, Department of Hematology, Department of Geriatrics, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, Department of Rehabilitation and other related departments asked questions and expressed their opinions freely, carrying out extensive and in-depth academic exchanges with editors of Circulation. Foreign experts gave wonderful and detailed answers to the questions raised by the researchers about the key points of reviewing journals, the requirements of each stage of submission, the writing style of articles, and the cutting-edge research in the field of cardiovascular medicine, etc. In response to the questions raised by the editorial board of ECCM on ways to attract high-quality manuscripts and build editorial boards, editors of Circulation provided detailed suggestions, such as utilizing conference publicity and face-to-face exchanges, maintaining journal-author relationships, providing feedback on fair review comments, and encouraging the editorial board team to invest time and energy in the journal, etc. Prof. Xinliang Ma attended the special seminar with the Department of Emergency Medicine, commented on the topics undertaken by doctors and post-doctoral fellows in the Department, and provided valuable guidance suggestions on the role and mechanism of LRRK2 regulation of autophagy involved in microvillus injury of renal tubular epithelial cells in sepsis, the role and mechanism study of lipid metabolite in acute myocardial infarction, and the role and mechanism study of IGFBP2 in ischemia/reperfusion injury of the cardiac microvessels.

During their stay in the hospital, editors visited the hospital's history museum, interventional catheterization center, cardiac care ward and other places, and gained an in-depth understanding of the clinical work of the relevant departments.

Circulation is a leading international academic journal in the field of cardiovascular medicine sponsored by the AHA. The journal publishes articles related to cardiovascular disease research and practice, including observational studies, clinical trials, epidemiology, health services and outcomes research, and advances in applied (translational) and basic research. The journal is ranked first in the Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems, Peripheral Vascular Disease category, and has been indexed in the international authoritative databases SCIE and SCI. It is a top-tier international journal, which is dedicated to publishing original, high-quality, rigorously peer-reviewed articles that reflect the new progress, new technology and new achievements in the field of peripheral vascular disease, and to promote the exchange of scientific research and the transformation of scientific research results in this field. The Impact Factor  of Circulation in 2022 is 37.8.

By Yingtao Sun, Teng Chen